a trip to Perugia


El cap de setmana del 29 d'Octubre de 2019, amb els amics que vam fer a l'Erasmus vam anar a Perugia, un poble a prop de Roma. Aquell cap de setmana feien el festival de la xocolata i vam anar-hi a passar el dia. 

On the weekend of October 29 2020, with the friends we made during Erasmus we went to Perugia, a village close to Rome. That weekend it was held the chocolate festival and we went there to spend the day.

Vam passar pel Colisseo a les 7 del matí. El nostre tren sortia de Termini a les 7.30h
We passed through the Colisseo around 7 in the morning. Our train left Termini at 7.30h


El poble que semblava Perugia, però no ho era

The village that looked like Perugia, but it wasn't

Fragment del diari:
 "29 d'Octubre 2019. Se m'acaba la tinta, haig de comprar-me més bolígrafs. Volia parlar de la conversa que vam tenir amb la Javiera (Xile) i la Kasia (Polonia) al tren tornant de Perugia. Em va agradar escoltar-les parlar i entendre com funcionava la seva universitat i la concepció que tenien sobre l'arquitectura. Enriquir-te de la seva visió. Amb la Kasia hi ha una predisposició a escoltar-nos mútuament. A sincerament escoltar les nostres opinions, hi ha un gran respecte. Nodrir-te. Feia molt de temps que algú no em preguntava la meva opinió sobre coses i estava de debò interessat en saber-la. Crec que amb la Kasia ens passa algo així. El moment en el parc en el que ella em ve amb tota la curiositat del món a preguntarme què faig i a volguer saber més em va encantar, va ser un moment de sinceritat absoluta, de genuinament estar les dues escoltant-nos, aprenent l'una de l'altre." 

A continuació els dibuixos que vaig fer abans que vingués la Kasia. 

Fragment of the diary:
"October 29, 2019. I'm running out of ink, I have to buy more pens. I wanted to talk about the conversation we had with Javiera (Chile) and Kasia (Poland) on the train returning from Perugia. I enjoyed hearing them talk and understand how their university worked and their conception of architecture. Enriching myself with their vision. With Kasia there is a predisposition to listen to each other. To listen sincerely to our opinions, there's a lot of respect. It's been a long time since someone asked me my opinion on things and they were really interested in knowing. I think something like this happens between me and Kasia. The moment in the park where she comes to me with all the curiosity in the world to ask me what I was doing and wants to know more I loved it, it was a moment of absolute sincerity, of genuinely being both listening to us, learning from each other."

 Here are the drawings I made before Kasia came.

Portes dins de portes
Doors within doors