spaces and places


some flowers


first day at the beach


 we went to Canet de Mar, a village 50 min by train from Barcelona

the water was so good, everyone was there
going back home you could still see the sea in the train

          so we could officially say it's summer! yay!

tables and chairs


unfinished drawings


Sometimes I draw things and then I don't finish them because I fear it won't end up being good, so I stop and don't continue. The line between adding new elements and colours and knowing when to stop is very thin, so here's an example of that; an unfinished house with a backyard.  

lina bo bardi's casa de vidro


a mediterranean patio

This is the patio where Adrià grew up. It's located in Menorca, a little island in the Mediterranean sea. It has this bold red ceramic floor and is full of flowers and plants with two olive trees in the middle. Here's a snippet of it. 


the balcony and more flowers


my parents watching tv


this is a daily night scene in my house 

mom sits at the right side of the sofa and dad sits at the left
they never change sides, it has always been like this 

people II